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Everything About Object Oriented JavaScript

Complete explanation of Object Oriented JavaScript

01:50 JavaScript Objects
02:36 Objects in Objects
04:12 Constructor Functions
05:58 instanceof
06:28 Passing Objects to Functions
08:09 Prototypes
09:34 Adding Properties to Objects
10:44 List Properties in Objects
11:38 hasOwnProperty
12:42 Add Properties to Built in Objects
14:31 Private Properties
18:01 Getters / Setters
21:20 defineGetter / defineSetter
24:38 defineProperty
27:07 Constructor Function Getters / Setters
29:40 Inheritance
37:13 Intermediate Function Inheritance
39:14 Call Parent Functions
41:51 ECMAScript 6
47:31 Singleton Pattern
49:32 Factory Pattern
52:53 Decorator Pattern
54:52 Observer Pattern


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